Suehyla El-Attar

  • Green Book

    Image Green Book
    Green Book

    Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

    Image Green Book
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Image Ant-Man and the Wasp
    Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Just when his time under house arrest is about to end, Scott Lang once again puts his freedom at risk to help Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym dive into the quantum realm and try to accomplish, against time and any chance of success, a very dangerous rescue mission.

    Image Ant-Man and the Wasp

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